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Original french movie posters and documents of the 7th Art

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Site owner : Fabrice Labrousse
Editor in Chief : Fabrice Labrousse
Webmaster : Fabrice Labrousse

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Welcome! Movies are a passion! Collecting promotional material allows adoring fans to extend their love of this fine art. Many posters are true art works--sometimes signed by famous publicists or artists. Movie posters or photos make unique gifts that please those you love. Original movie posters thrill fans!

Ciné Songes opens its 10,000-item catalogue covering much of the history of cinema with movie posters, photos, operating documents, press kits, and other movie paraphernalia.

All our posters, photos, and press kits are original documents. We do NOT sell reproductions. With a few exceptions, all our documents are French. That makes this shop enitrely unique. Discover our specials today!